Friday, August 23, 2013

Do You Know About Boating Safety?

Boating is a fun and enjoyable way to spend your time. It is something that anyone from any background can enjoy. Boating can also be dangerous. Accidents can happen on the water at any time. As long as you remember some of your basic safety rules, you will help to do your part to keep you and other boaters around you safe.

One of the first things to do would be, learn how to swim. If you are going to be in and around water, learning to swim could save your life. Find a buddy who knows how to and spend a day learning how to swim.

After you have learned how to swim, now would be the time to sign up for a boating safety course.  Taking a boating safety course like the one provided by gives you the opportunity to learn about the water and about boating.

Now you are ready to make your first trip out on the lake. Before you even leave your house, you should check the forecast. The weather can make or break a boating adventure. If they are calling for bad weather, don’t risk it, reschedule your outing.

Once you have the boat loaded up and in the water, there are a few things that you want to make sure you did before you head out. The first, make sure that you developed a float plan and left it with someone on land. Your float plan should consist of things like the registration information for your boat, the names and contact information of all parties on board, and the itinerary for your trip. You will also want to make sure that you follow your pre departure check list. Having the same routine that you follow at each outing is the best way to make sure that no safety rules or regulations have been broken.

Once you have finished your check list, designate an assistant captain. You want to make sure that you are not the only one on board who knows how to operate your boat. Hand out everyone’s life vests and make your way out onto the lake. Always remember to use these simple tips before departing, and you will have a more enjoyable boating experience.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

On Board Cooking

When you plan on spending all day on the water, you will need to remember a lot of things before you leave the dock. Is your fuel tank full? Check. Do you have your sunscreen? Check. Do you have food for the day?

Boating is a world of fun but cooking on board your boat could turn into a little bit of a disaster if you didn’t plan right. If you happen to be one of the lucky ones with a galley kitchen or an on board grill, then here are a few tips for you to make your next cooking adventure a little easier.

Thinking small when it comes to cooking on board is the way to go, you are limited on space. You are working with smaller appliances so think appetizer or salad size for what foods you can cook easily on board. Also, be aware of the type of food that you choose. You will be spending a day out in the sun and heat. Steer clear of hot heavy meals. Think light, like picnic style meals.

To keeping things manageable in confined spaces starts before you even step foot on your boat. Food prep is an important step in maintaining order and getting things done faster. Have all your meats precooked, veggies cut up, and salads made up before you leave the house. Also, practicing the habit of clean as you go will go a long way in managing your limited space. Don’t leave all the cleaning up until the end, you will run out of working room before then.

If you have no on board kitchen or grill, then the prep portion is the most important. You will also make use of coolers for your pre made food. If you are tired of having sandwiches all the time, you could try a few of the suggestions that these folks use. Enjoy your day on the water, and let’s go boating.